
Privacy Policy

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Welcome to This site is owned by HolaDoctor, Inc. This Privacy Policy is designed to tell you about our practices regarding collection, use, and disclosure of information that you may provide via this site. Please be sure to read this entire Privacy Policy before using or submitting information to this site. This site is intended for use by residents of the United States.

Your privacy and the security of your personal information are very important to us. We want you to be as comfortable as possible visiting the HolaDoctor Website (this "Website") and using any of our products, offerings, features, tools or resources that we provide on this Website (collectively, our "Online Products"). We are dedicated to protecting the privacy of those who visit this Website and use our Online Products. This Privacy Policy governs this Website and explains how we collect your personal information on this Website, how we protect such information, and the choices you have concerning the use of such information. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. Except as HolaDoctor (also referred to as "HolaDoctor", "we", "us", or "our") discloses in this Privacy Policy, we will not sell, share, license, trade, or rent your personal information to others.

We are not responsible for the privacy of any information you reveal or post in any public forum (e.g., message board or chat room) or through the "Public Profile" feature available on this Website, or for the privacy practices of websites that are operated or owned by third parties.

We may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will post any changes to this Privacy Policy here so that you will always know what information we gather, how we might use that information, and whether we will disclose that information to anyone. Please refer back to this Privacy Policy on a regular basis. By using this Website or any of our Online Products or by opting in to certain uses of Personally Identifable Information (ÒPIIÓ), you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy as provided herein.

If you have questions regarding this Privacy Policy, please direct them to

Notice To California Residents – Your California Privacy Rights:

Effective January 1, 2005, under California Civil Code Section 1798.83 (known as the "Shine the Light" law), if an individual who is a California resident has provided personal information to a business in connection with a business relationship that is primarily for personal, family, or household purposes, and if that business has within the immediately preceding calendar year disclosed such an individual's personal information to a third-party and knows or should have known that such third-party used the information for its own direct marketing purposes, then that business is obligated to disclose in writing to such individual upon request, what personal information was shared and with whom it was shared. A business may comply with this law by: (1) having EITHER a published privacy policy of not sharing a customer's personal information for third-parties' direct marketing use unless the customer has first affirmatively opted in to such sharing OR a published privacy policy of not sharing a customer's personal information for third-parties' direct marketing use if the customer has opted out to prevent his/her personal information from being shared for direct marketing use; AND (2) notifying the customer of his/her right to opt out and providing a cost-free means for the customer to exercise that right.

Any request for a disclosure required under this law should be sent to us via email at Please note that under this law, we are not required to respond to a customer's request more than once in a calendar year, nor are we required to respond to any request that is not sent to the email address designated above.

What information about me is collected on the HolaDoctor Website?

We collect three types of information: personally identifiable information, aggregate and anonymous information, and user activity information.

Personally Identifiable Information

Personally Identifable Information (or "PII") is any information that can identify or is linked to a specific individual, such as your name, mailing address, telephone number (including mobile number), email address, credit card number, debit card number, bank account number, and other financial account information, birth date, gender, occupation, personal interests, demographic, location and household information, etc. To the extent you voluntarily provide your PII to us, we collect such information. For example, we may collect PII from you (to the extent permitted by law): (1) when you sign up for one of our products or services, such as when you join one of our online communities (including the social networking areas on our Website and on related pages on third-party social media sites); (2) when you join one of our mailing or contact lists; (3) when you register to participate in an event sponsored by us (such as a contest, sweepstakes, giveaway, promotion, survey, concert, festival, community fair, etc.); (4) when you enter into a transaction with us, such as ordering a product from us through our online store; (5) when you use or interact with a product or service offered on our Website or a linked site; (6) when you provide or share information using a product or service of our Website or a linked site; (7) when you send information via message, chat, blog, post or similar functionality using a product or service of our Website or a linked site; (8) when you create, share or link your personal profile using a product or service of our Website or a linked site, including linking or associating your profile on a third-party site or platform with your HolaDoctor account; and/or (9) when you submit a request or inquiry to us via our Website or a linked site or otherwise (each of the foregoing is referred to hereinafter as an "Identification Activity").

It is optional for you to engage in an Identification Activity. However, if you elect to engage in an Identification Activity, we may ask you for certain PII. Depending on the activity, some of the information we ask you to provide may be identified as mandatory and some may be identified as optional. If you do not provide the mandatory information for a particular Identification Activity that requires it, you will not be able to engage in that activity. In addition, if you use our Website or a linked site to send information to another person (e.g., a friend, a family member, etc.), we will also collect PII of that other person to the extent disclosed by you. We also collect the username and password for the email account you wish to import your contacts from, for example, and will only use it for that purpose.

Aggregate and Anonymous Information (hereinafter "AAI") is any information that cannot identify or be linked to a specific individual. For example, we may collect anonymous group data (demographics, media habits, online browsing habits, interests and preferences, etc.) about viewers and listeners of our television and radio programs, participants of our sponsored events and activities, users and members of our Website or a linked site, etc. (hereinafter referred to collectively as "our Audiences"). We also collect aggregate traffic data pertaining to our Website or a linked site, such as: total page views in a given time period; total impressions per ad; average amount of time that visitors spend on our Website or a linked site (or a part thereof) each time they visit; average amount of time that visitors spend on each page of any one or more parts of our Website or a linked site; percentage of visitors from a certain geographical area, etc. Moreover, we may combine "User Activity Information" (as described below) about you and other users of our Website or a linked site to generate aggregate information that reflects activities, habits, preferences, interests, etc. about our users as a group. We also collect location-based information such as zip code, city and state name. In addition, we may take PII and make it non-personally identifiable, such as by aggregating your information with information about other individuals, or by removing personally-identifiable elements (such as names) so as to "anonymize" or "de-personalize" your information.

User Activity Information (hereinafter "UAI") refers to information we collect about user activities on our Website or a linked site. For example, our web servers automatically collect and log "clickstream data" for all visitors to, such as IP addresses (which are numerical numbers that are automatically assigned to users' computers and mobile devices when they are surfing the Internet), page requests, pages visited, content viewed, clicks and search queries made, etc. We also use cookies and similar technologies to collect UAI on our Website or a linked site (see the discussion of cookies below for more information). If and to the extent we use any UAI in a manner that identifies a specific user individually (e.g., if we link or associate such information with a user's name or address), it will be treated as PII. Otherwise, all UAI will be treated as AAI.

Safe Harbor Privacy Principles

HolaDoctor complies with the U.S. – EU Safe Harbor Framework and the U.S. – Swiss Safe Harbor Framework as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal information from European Union member countries and Switzerland. HolaDoctor has certified that it adheres to the Safe Harbor Privacy Principles of notice, choice, onward transfer, security, data integrity, access, and enforcement. To learn more about the Safe Harbor program, and to view HolaDoctorÕs certification, please visit (

Non-Personally Identifiable Information

Where and when is information collected on this Website (including through the use of cookies and action tags)?

We may collect information (including PII) from you in different manners and at different places and times on this Website, such as when you register for this Website or subscribe to one of our Online Products. The following is a description of the areas and/or manners in which we primarily collect information about you.

Becoming a Registered User and Subscription

In order to access certain Online Products on our Website, such as our chat rooms, message boards, dieting tools and food database, you must first complete certain steps to become either a registered user or a subscriber. During these steps, you may be required to provide us with information (including PII), such as name, zip code and email address, and, if you subscribe to one of our Online Products, credit card and billing information. This information is used to help us understand who uses this Website, to improve this Website and our Online Products, to contact users about requested Online Products or for subscription billing purposes. It is optional for you to provide demographic information (such as profession and number of children), but providing this information is encouraged so we can provide a more personalized experience on this Website.

Cookies, Action Tags, Third Party Media and DoubleClick

We also collect AAI passively using "cookies" and "action tags."There are other ways information can be used by third parties.


"Cookies" are small text files that are placed on your computer in order to identify (i) your Web browser (ii) the activities of your computer on this Website and (iii) your activity in connection with our advertisements and other marketing and promotional efforts. Cookies may be used to:

1.personalize your experience on this Website (e.g., to dynamicallygenerate content on WebPages specifically designed for you);

2. assist you in using our Online Products (e.g., to save you time by not having to reenter your name upon each visit to this Website); and

3.allow us to statistically monitor how you are using this Website for purposes of improving our online offerings.

We may also use cookies to conduct marketing and promotional efforts, tailor certain advertisements to your browser that we think may be of interest to you, or to determine the popularity of certain content.

In addition to cookies that we place on your computer, cookies may also be placed on your computer by third parties that we use to display or serve advertisements or to collect AAI in order to provide advertising-related services. In the course of serving advertisements, our third-party advertiser may place or recognize a unique "cookie" on your browser.

You do not have to accept cookies to use this Website. However, you may not be able to use certain products, offerings, features, or resources of this Website (including our Online Products) if you do not accept cookies. Although most browsers are initially set to accept cookies, you may reset your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie or to reject cookies generally. Most browsers offer instructions on how to do so in the "Help" section of the toolbar.

Action Tags

"Action tags," also known as web beacons or GIF tags, are a web technology devices used to help track anonymous website usage information, such as how many times a specific page has been viewed. Action tags are invisible to you, and any portion of this Website, including advertisements, or e-mail sent on our behalf, may contain cookies that are associated with action tags that are located on this Website. Unlike cookies, action tags are not placed on your computer.

By using cookies and action tags together, we are able to gain valuable information to improve this Website and our Online Products and measure the effectiveness of our advertising and marketing campaigns. We do not disclose any of your PII to our advertising partners through the use of cookies or action tags.

Finally, please note that advertisers and other third parties may also use their own cookies or action tags when you click on their advertisement or link to their website or service, on or from this Website. This Privacy Policy does not govern the use by such third-party websites or providers of third-party advertising.

Third Party Functionalities

Our website and linked sites contain links to and/or enables certain third-party functionalities to enhance your experience, including, without limitation, social plug-ins, tools and APIs. Prior to using any third-party functionality (e.g., Facebook "Like" button) on our website or any linked sites, you should consult the privacy notices of the third-party providers of such functionalities (e.g., Facebook), as we have no control over information that is submitted to, or collected by, such third parties, or how they may use the information. The privacy policies and data practices of such third parties may significantly differ from ours, and we make no representation or warranty whatsoever about their policies and practices. Your communications and interactions with such third parties are solely between you and them, and are at your own risk.

Please keep in mind that when you provide information to us on a third-party site or platform (e.g., via a HolaDoctor-branded application that operates on a third-party site or platform), information you provide may be separately collected by the third-party site or platform. Information we collect is covered by this Privacy Policy and the information a third-party site or platform collects is subject to such third-party site or platform's privacy policies and practices.Privacy choices you have made on a third-party site or platform will not apply to our use of the information we have collected directly through our own sites and platforms, unless we expressly state otherwise.

DoubleClick's DARTDART Cookie and Online Tracking and Advertising

Google, as a Third-Party Advertiser, uses cookies to serve ads on our Website and linked sites. In particular, Google uses DoubleClick's DART cookie that enables it to serve ads through DoubleClick's ad-serving technology. Such cookie is placed on your computer when you are browsing the web and visit a site that supports ads delivered using DoubleClick's ad-serving technology (including some Google AdSense advertisements). This cookie is a "persistent" cookie, meaning that it is saved into the cookie folder on your computer's hard drive and will remain in that folder even after you close your web browser. This cookie is used to serve ads specific to you and your interests ("interest-based targeting").The ads served to you will be based on your previous browsing history. DoubleClick's DART cookie uses "non-personally identifiable information".It does NOT track PII about you, such as your name, email address, physical address, telephone number, social security number, credit card/debit card number, or other financial account information.

You may opt-out of DoubleClick's DART cookie and associated "interest-based targeting" advertising.PLEASE NOTE that if you erase or otherwise alter your browser's cookie file (including upgrading certain browsers), you may need to opt out again.PLEASE NOTE also that opting out of the ad-serving cookie does not mean that you will stop seeing pop-up ads or banner ads embedded in websites! You can control many pop-ups by using free software available on the Internet or by disabling JavaScript on your browser.

You may also choose not to receive interest-based advertising from many ad networks, data exchanges, marketing analytics and other service providers by clicking here. We adhere to the Digital Advertising Alliance's Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising.

If you wish to disable cookies selectively or entirely (see below about Flash Cookies or similar technologies), you may do so through your individual browser options or using special software. More detailed information about cookie management with specific web browsers can be found at the browsers' respective web sites.

More information on the DoubleClick DART cookie which is used by Google in the ads served on publisher websites displaying AdSense for content ads can be found here.

Flash Cookies

From time to time, we may or Third Party Advertisers may, use Flash cookies or similar technology to save your preferences or display content based upon what you view on our Website or linked sites to personalize your experience. To learn how to manage privacy and storage settings for Flash cookies, please click here and here. You should know that Flash cookies cannot be rejected, disabled, turned off, opted out, or deleted in the same way as regular cookies such as HTML cookies. Flash cookies may remain on your computer or mobile device even after you have rejected, disabled, opted out, or deleted regular cookies.

If you disable Flash cookies, you will not have full access to all products and services of our Website and linked sites, and some of our products and services may not function properly.

Description and purpose

We use cookies to make sure you have the best user experience possible as you browse through our website. Cookies allow the browser to temporally store your data, so you can have a complete navigation between pages. When someone disables cookies, every time they load a page they appear to be new users – this can make the browsing experience uncomfortable (i.e. you would have to type in your login details every time you change pages).

In addition to strictly necessary cookies, we also use analytical cookies, which help us to identify our users and offer them the best experience when browsing our site. They also allow us to track navigation data and analyze it in order to make enhancements to our website. Finally, we use behavioral/advertising cookies to manage ads spots according to the user’s specific profile. The sale of this ads spaces allow us to offer you free useful content.

If the settings on your browser are set to accept cookies we take this, and your continued use of our website, to mean that you accept our cookies policy. If you wish to remove or not use cookies from our site you can switch off your cookies by adjusting your browser settings to stop it from accepting cookies, find out how to do it on About Cookies Website; however, doing so will likely mean that our site will not work as you would expect.




Cookies de Origen


Sesión, Registro, aceptación de estos términos, control de aparición de ciertos contenidos.

Gestión de registros.

Cookies de Terceros


Google Analytics

Visitas, tiempo en el sitio, fuentes de tráfico, etc.

Reportar visitas y navegación.

Google AdWords

Conversión de campañas

Evaluar el éxito de la campaña de AdWords.


Permite variar la vista de la página para analizar la mejor respuesta de acuerdo a ciertos criterios de usabilidad.


Hace seguimiento del contenido más visitado por el usuario para mejorar la eperiencia del mismo.

Reportar visitas y navegación.



Permite el registro a Holadoctor usando una cuenta Facebook.

Las implicaciones de privacidad varía y dependen de la configuración de privacidad que el  usuario ha elegido para esta red social.


Las implicaciones de privacidad varía y dependen de la configuración de privacidad que el  usuario ha elegido para esta red social.

Add This

Las implicaciones de privacidad varía y dependen de la configuración de privacidad que el  usuario ha elegido para esta red social.


Espacio para permitir que los usuaros compartan sus opiniones y comentarios sobre un contenido.

Google accounts

Permite el registro a Holadoctor usando una cuenta Google



Datos de anuncios desplegados a cada usuario, anuncios que le interesan a cada usuario, si el usuario ha visitado el sitio de los anunciantes.

Este servicio también sirve cookies de terceros para dar seguimiento de campañas relevantes al usuario.

Entregar anuncios a la medida del usuario.


Datos de los usuarios, los artículos que visitan y las recomendaciones que se les muestran.

Mostrar las mejores recomendaciones basadas en las preferencias del usuario según su historial de navegación


Datos de anuncios en video para mejorar la experiencia del usuario .


Datos de los usuarios, los artículos que visitan y las recomendaciones que se les muestran.

Mostrar las mejores recomendaciones basadas en las preferencias del usuario según su historial de navegación

Public Forums and the Public Profile Feature

We feature public forums such as chat rooms, message boards, bulletin boards, recipe swaps or similar activities where you and other users of this Website can communicate with one another. In addition, we offer the "Public Profile" feature of this Website to permit you to share information about yourself (including, if you elect, Personally Identifiable Information) with others. THIS PRIVACY POLICY DOES NOT PROTECT YOU WHEN YOU USE OUR PUBLIC FORUMS OR PROVIDE INFORMATION (INCLUDING PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION) ABOUT YOURSELF THROUGH THE PUBLIC PROFILE FEATURE AVAILABLE ON THIS WEBSITE. You should be aware that any information shared in a public forum such as a chat room, message board, bulletin board or recipe swap or through our Public Profile feature is public information and may be seen or collected by third parties that do not adhere to our Privacy Policy. You should think carefully before disclosing any information in any public forum, or through the Public Profile feature, on this Website.

Emails to HolaDoctor

This Privacy Policy does not protect you when you send business information, ideas, concepts or inventions to HolaDoctor by email. If you want to keep business information, ideas, concepts or inventions private or proprietary, do not send them in an email to HolaDoctor. We try to answer every email in a timely manner, but are not always able to do so.

Does this website collect information from children under 13 years of age?

We are committed to protecting the privacy of children. This Website is not designed for or directed to children under the age of 13. We do not collect PII from any person we know is under the age of 13. We urge all parents or guardians to participate in their children's exploration of the Internet, and to teach their children about protecting their personal information while online.

What does this Website do with the information it collects?

What We Do With the Information

As a general matter, we use information (PII and AAI) collected from and/or about our Audiences to improve our products and services so that they are appealing to as many people as possible, to administer and maintain operations of our Website or linked sites, to offer, market and advertise products and services (including those from third parties outside HolaDoctor with whom we do business (hereinafter referred to collectively as our Business Partners")) to our Audiences, to administer and manage transactions and relationships with our Audiences, to personalize user experiences for our Audiences, and to build a strong community for our Audiences.

What we do with the information ?

Our use of PII.If you provide us or one of our Merchants (as defined below in Section 4), Business Partners (as defined below in Section 4), or Third Party Service Providers (as defined below in Section 4) in connection with an Identification Activity, we (and/or such Merchant, Business Partner, or Third Party Service Provider) will use the information to process, administer, manage and communicate with you about the Identification Activity. For example: (1) if you register for an account on our Site, we use your information to establish and manage your account and maintain it, and to communicate with you about it, (2) if you register to participate in one of our contests or sweepstakes, we will use your information to process your participation and to make and administer the contest or sweepstake (which includes contacting you in case you win); (3) if you send us a request or query, we will use your information to contact you about it; (4) if you order a product or service on our Site or through the Discount Drug Program, we use your information to process and fulfill your order, to communicate with you about it, and to provide customer service; (5) if you use one of our Sites to send information about a product or service to another person (e. g., a friend, relative, etc.), we will use that other person’s PII to allow him/her to receive the information you requested us to send; and (6) if you provide us your email or postal address, we may use that address to send you notices of a transactional, administrative or relationship nature or those required by law, such as notification of a substantial change in this Privacy Policy and/or our Terms of Use and/or Terms of Sale, notice of an actual or suspected security breach that affects the information stored by or for us, public relations announcements, etc. We may also use your PII for advertising and direct marketing purposes. For example, we may send you email messages or direct mail regarding products and services, special offers, promotions, etc. Also, we may use your PII to provide advertisements of interest (i.e., advertisements potentially relevant or tailored to your interests) on our Site. Similarly, we may use your PII to provide a better consumer experience. For example, if you buy products through the Discount Drug Program, we may use your UAI to determine the types of products and services which may interest you and then arrange to market or advertise to you similar or the same products and services. We can also use your PII to locate and solve problems, resolve disputes, perform administrative tasks, communicate with you, enforce our agreements with you, including our Terms of Use and this Privacy Policy, comply with applicable law and cooperate with law enforcement activities. In addition, we may share PII with others, as provided in Section 4 of this Privacy Policy.

Our Own Use of Information

Transactional, Administrative, and Customer Relation Purposes: If you provide information to us in connection with an Identification Activity, we will process and use your information for all purposes related to that activity, including communicating and interacting with you in relation to your activity, for example, when you engage in an Identification Activity (as defined in the definition of PII).Also, if you provide your email address or mailing address to us, we may use such address to send you notices of a transactional, administrative or relationship nature at any time, even if you later opt-out, or as required by law, such as notification of a material change in this Privacy Policy and/or the Terms of Use for our Website or linked sites, notification of an actual or suspected security breach that affects your information stored by or for us, public relations announcements, etc.

Marketing Advertising Purposes

(1) Interest-based advertising on our Website or linked sites: We may use your PII and UAI to provide to you interest-based ads (i.e., ads potentially relevant or tailored to your interests) about products and services of HolaDoctor and/or our Business Partners. For example, we show ads inside and/or alongside the videos you watch on Sometimes, these ads are based on the topics or subject matters of the videos you are watching. However, to make these ads as relevant as possible for you, we may infer your viewing interests based on videos you have previously viewed on, and may use this information to associate your browser with relevant interest categories and show you ads relevant to your inferred interests. For example, if your prior viewing habits on suggest that you are interested in a particular topic (e.g., if you often review items on that topic on, you may see more ads related to that topic while on

(2) Email marketing If you provide your email address or mailing address to us (such as by joining one of our mailing lists), we may use such address to send you product and service offers, promotions, and advertisements from us and/or from our Business Partners. See Opt Out below regarding how to opt out of our email marketing.

(3) Telemarketing If you provide your telephone or mobile number to us, we may call you to inform you about product/service offers, promotions, and advertisements from us and/or from our Business Partners. See Opt Out below regarding how to opt out of our telemarketing.

(4) Mobile marketing Subject to your PRIOR OPT IN CONSENT, we may (i) send marketing and advertising messages via SMS (Short Message Service), MMS (Multimedia Message Service), etc., to your mobile device and/or (ii) send marketing and advertising emails to your wireless email account (e.g.,, to inform you about product/service offers, promotions, and advertisements from us and/or from our Business Partners. See Opt Out below regarding how to opt out of our mobile marketing (that is, if you wish to opt out of our further use of your information for mobile marketing after you have previously consented to such use).

NOTE: The Federal Communications Commission has published a list of domain names used by wireless service providers to transmit emails to wireless devices here. Wireless service providers must add new domain names to this list within 30 days of activating them. If your email address contains a domain name on this list (after the "@" symbol), then we will treat your email address as a wireless email address. However, the mere fact that you can retrieve emails from your regular Internet email account on your mobile/wireless device, does not make your Internet email address a "wireless" email address.

(5) Market Research Purposes: We may use AAI (including UAI and AAI derived from PII) to conduct market research and analysis for ourselves as well as for our Business Partners.

Disclosure to Third Parties Outside HolaDoctor

(1) Disclosure to our Business Partners We may disclose, sell, and otherwise provide PII, AAI and/or UAI to our Business Partners so that they may market and advertise their products and services directly to our Audiences. See ÒOpt OutÓ below regarding how to opt out of such information sharing.

Please note, however, that we do not knowingly disclose or sell any of the following (if and to the extent collected by us) to our Business Partners for their separate marketing and advertising purposes (except with your prior opt-in consent): credit card number, debit card number, bank account number, and other financial account information; Social Security numbers, or other government-issued identifiers; personal health and medical information; information about personal sexual behavior or orientation; information pertaining to children under the age of 13 at the time of collection; and information indicating the precise real-time geographic location of an individual derived through location-based services such as through GPS-enabled devices (hereinafter referred to collectively as "Sensitive Information").

In addition, from time to time, we may co-sponsor events and/or product/service offerings with third parties. If you participate in such co-sponsored events or offerings, any PII and UAI we collect from you based on your participation may be shared with our co-sponsors who may use such information for their own marketing and advertising purposes. YOU MUST CONTACT OUR CO-SPONSORS DIRECTLY IN ORDER TO OPT OUT OF THEIR USE OF YOUR INFORMATION FOR MARKETING AND ADVERTISING PURPOSES.

(2) Disclosure to our Service Providers We may disclose PII and UAI to our outside vendors and contractors who need to access such information in order to perform services (including, without limitation, transaction/payment processing, order fulfillment, contest/sweepstakes administration and prize fulfillment, data research and analysis, data collection and processing, data storage, data security, hosting and technical support for our Website or linked sites, and marketing and advertising support) for us (hereinafter referred to collectively as "our Service Providers"). Generally, we require that our Service Providers use your information shared by us solely for the purposes of performing services for us and that they maintain the confidentiality, security and integrity of such information and not further disclose the information to others.

(3) Disclosure under other circumstances We may disclose PII and UAI to others if doing so is required by law or, in our good faith belief, is reasonably necessary to: (1) comply with legal process (including a court order or subpoena); (2) cooperate with law enforcement; (3) enforce this Privacy Policy and/or the Terms of Use for our Website or linked sites; (4) respond to an emergency; or (5) protect the rights, property or safety of HolaDoctor, one or more members of our Audiences, and/or the public.In addition, we may transfer PII and UAI as part of our assets if we (or parts of our businesses) are, sold or transferred to, merged with, or acquired by, a third party. Upon such transfer, the privacy policy of the acquiring entity may govern the further use of your information.

(4) Unrestricted Disclosure of AAI: Given the anonymous, non-personally identifiable nature of AAI, there are no restrictions under this Privacy Policy on how we may use, disclose, sell, or otherwise share such information. For example, we may freely share AAI with our Business Partners who may use such data for their own marketing, advertising, research, or other business purposes. We may also freely share AAI with our Service Providers in order for them to perform services to us.

Laws and Legal Rights

We may also disclose your information (including PII) if we believe in good faith that we are required to do so in order to comply with an applicable statute, regulation, rule or law, a subpoena, a search warrant, a court or regulatory order, or other valid legal process. We may disclose PII in special circumstances when we have reason to believe that disclosing this information is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be violating our Terms and Conditions or to protect the safety or security of our users, this Website or the general public.

Third Parties Generally

We may provide to third parties information about you that does not allow you to be identified or contacted, including where such information is combined with similar information of other users of this Website. For example, we might inform third parties regarding the number of unique users who visit our Website, the demographic breakdown of our registered user of our Website, or the activities that visitors to our Website engage in while on this Website. The third parties to which we may provide this information may include potential or actual advertisers, providers of advertising services (including website tracking services), commercial partners, sponsors, licensees, researchers and other similar parties.

Outside Contractors

We may employ independent contractors, vendors and suppliers (collectively, "Outside Contractors") to provide specific services and products related to this Website, such as hosting and maintaining our chat rooms, providing credit card processing and fraud screening, and developing applications for this Website and e-mail services. These Outside Contractors may sometimes have limited access to information collected on this Website, including your PII, in the course of providing products or services to us. Access to your PII by these contractors is limited to the information reasonably necessary in order for the Outside Contractors to perform their limited function for us. We also require that these contractors (i) protect the privacy of your PII consistent with this Privacy Policy, and (ii) not use or disclose your PII for any purpose other than providing us with products or services for which we contracted.

Third Party Sellers

In addition, through this Website, you may be given the opportunity to purchase (or to obtain more information) regarding certain content, products or services that are sold through a person or company other than us or our Affiliates (collectively, "Third Party Sellers"). Similarly, if you purchase a product or service through one of our co-branded stores, you will likely be purchasing the product through a Third Party Seller and not from us. We will attempt to make it clear to you when you are dealing with a Third Party Seller by opening a new browser or otherwise notifying you that you are leaving this Website. For example, if you see a phrase such as "powered by" or "brought to you by" followed by the name of a person or company other than HolaDoctor, then you are likely on, or about to enter, a website hosted or operated by a person or company other than us. Third Party Sellers may request that you submit certain information to them in order to purchase their products or services or to obtain additional information from them. You do not need to submit this information or purchase any products or services from Third Party Sellers to access this Website. By submitting the requested information, you affirmatively consent to have that information shared with the Third Party Seller. This information is used by the Third Party Seller and may be subject to a different privacy policy. We do not otherwise share or disclose your PII to Third Party Sellers.

Sale of Business

We reserve the right to transfer information to a third party in the event of a sale, merger or other transfer of all or substantially all of the assets of HolaDoctor provided that the third party agrees to adhere to the terms of this Privacy Policy. We will notify users of any such transfer through notice on our site and through email.

Disclosure to or by Co-branded Channel Partners

We provide co-branded content and services to websites hosted and operated by companies other than us ("Channel Partner Websites"). You can only access these co-branded content and services through the Channel Partner Website, and usually from the health section of these other websites. The co-branded Website pages that you may access through a Channel Partner Website have different registration processes and opportunities for information collection, and Personal Identifiable Information that you provide on these pages may be shared with the Channel Partners. Each of these co-branded HolaDoctor sites has its own privacy policy posted on that site that explains what information is disclosed by us to the Channel Partner and vice versa. If you visit one of these co-branded HolaDoctor sites, please read the privacy policy that is posted on that site, as well as the individual privacy policy of the Channel Partner Website.

Does this privacy policy apply when I link to other websites?

This Website contains links to other websites not owned or operated by HolaDoctor (for example, if you "click" on a banner advertisement, you will likely be taken off this Website. We will attempt to make it obvious to you when you leave this Website and enter these websites by opening a new browser or otherwise notifying you that you are leaving this Website. However, please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of such websites. We encourage you to be aware when this Website links to other websites and to read the privacy policies or statements of each and every website. This Privacy Policy applies solely to information collected by our Website.

Is the information collected on this website secure?

We want your information (including PII) to remain as secure as possible. We strive to provide secure transmission of your information from your computer to our servers through industry-standard techniques. To help ensure the integrity and privacy of the PII you provide to us via the Internet at the time you elect to become a registered user or subscribe to our Online Products, we use Secured Socket Layer (SSL) encryption technology in transmitting such PII over the Internet to our servers. We secure the PII you provide on servers located in controlled, secure environments, protected from unauthorized access, use, or alteration. Only employees who need access to your information to perform a specific task or function are granted access to such information. In addition, all HolaDoctor employees must abide by this Privacy Policy and are kept up-to-date on security practices. Any employee who violates this Privacy Policy is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Notwithstanding the above commitments to protect your information (including PII) from loss, misuse or alteration by third parties, you should be aware that there is always some risk involved in transmitting information over the Internet. There is also some risk that others could find a way to thwart our security systems. As a result, while we strive to protect your information, we cannot ensure or warrant the security and privacy of any information you transmit to us, and you do so at your own risk.

What choices do I have regarding the collection, disclosure and distribution of personally identifiable information?

Except as otherwise described in this Privacy Policy, we will only use PII for the purposes described above or as otherwise disclosed at the time we request such information from you. You must "opt-in" and give us permission to use your PII for any other purpose. For example, we have an "opt-in" mechanism so that those who become registered users or subscribe to our Website must give us permission to send them marketing materials and our electronic newsletter. In addition, you may Òopt-inÓ in certain circumstances by providing us or one of our Business Partners information about you or requesting services or a contact from us or our Business Partners, but we will notify you when you are opting in. You will have the right to opt-out as set forth below under ÒOpt OutÓ.You may also change your preference and "opt-out" of receiving such communications by changing that option in the My Profile feature of this Website, following the directions provided in association with the communication, or by contacting

Users of this Website are notified when PII is being collected by third parties on this Website. We do this so you can make an informed choice as to whether you should disclose information to a third party.

Information Access & Opt -Out

Information Access

If you have an active user account on our Website or a linked site, you may access and update your user account information and preferences at any time (subject to the scheduled maintenance of our Website or a linked site), by logging into your account and clicking on "My Account" and then changing your preference.

If you do not have an active account on the Website, or if you have provided your information to us offline, you may request to access, delete, update and correct your information as stored by us, by sending your request to us at HolaDoctor, Inc., 900 Old Roswell Lakes Parkway, Suite 230 Roswell, GA 30076, Attention: Update My Information. Your request will be processed as soon as possible.

Opt Out

You can opt out of all our marketing uses (including email marketing, mobile email marketing, mobile message marketing, and telemarketing) of your PII and UAI (if personally identifiable) as well as our sharing of your PII and UAI (if personally identifiable) with our Business Partners for their marketing uses by sending your request via postal mail at HolaDoctor, Inc., 900 Old Roswell Lakes Parkway, Suite 230 Roswell, GA 30076, Attention: Remove From Email List.

We will endeavor to honor your request no later than 10 days after receipt (or within such applicable time period as required by law). To ensure timely processing of your request, please expressly state in your letter or email that you wish to opt out of all further uses and sharing by HolaDoctor of your personal information for marketing purposes. Your opt out election, once processed by us, will stop, on a going-forward basis, all further marketing uses and sharing of your PII and UAI (if personally identifiable) by HolaDoctor.

In addition, with respect to certain marketing uses of your PII and UAI (if personally identifiable), you may exercise your opt-out choice through the following alternative methods:

  • Our email/mobile email marketing (i.e., sending marketing emails (including our newsletters) to your Internet email account or your mobile email account):
  • Use the opt-out means (e.g., an "unsubscribe" link) provided in a marketing email that you have previously received from us.
  • Our mobile message marketing (i.e., sending marketing messages via SMS, MMS, etc. to your mobile phone after you have opted in to receive such messages):
  • Reply STOP to a marketing message you have received; OR
  • Text STOP to the short code used for the messaging program from which you wish to opt out (if you have enrolled in multiple messaging programs on the same short code and wish to opt out from all those programs, text STOP ALL to the short code).
  • Our telemarketing (i.e., making marketing calls to your telephone or mobile phone number):
  • Register your telephone or mobile number with the national Do-Not-Call list either online at, or by calling the toll-free number 1-888-382-1222 from the phone number you wish to register (please note that, once you register your phone number on the national Do-Not-Call list, we are required by law to stop telemarketing calls to your number no later than 31 days from the date you register).

HOWEVER, please note the following:

  • For email communications, your opt-out will stop further marketing and promotional emails from us BUT will NOT stop email communications from us relating to your Identification Activity, of a transactional, administrative or relationship nature, or as required by law, such as notification of a material change in this Privacy Policy and/or the Terms & Conditions for the Website, notification of an actual or suspected security breach that affects your Personal Information stored by or for us, public relations announcements, etc.
  • For telemarketing, your opt-out will stop further marketing calls from us but will NOT stop calls from us relating to your Identification Activity, of a transactional, administrative or relationship nature, or as required by law, such as notification of a material change in this Privacy Policy and/or the Terms & Conditions for the Website, notification of an actual or suspected security breach that affects your Personal Information stored by or for us, public relations announcements, etc.
  • Your opt-out will NOT stop continued marketing and advertising uses of your information by those of our Business Partners with whom we have already shared your information prior to your opt-out. To opt out of their further use of your information, you must contact them directly (or use the opt-out means provided by them). Also, if you participate in an event or a product/service offering that is co-sponsored by us with one or more third parties, you must contact our co-sponsor(s) directly in order to opt out of their use of your information for marketing and advertising purposes.

Data retention

We will retain your PII for as long as your account is active or as needed to provide you products or services, and as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements. AAI and UAI (if not personally identifiable) may be retained indefinitely.

Can I update or correct my Personally Identifiable Information?

You can always contact us in order to (1) update or correct your PII, (2) change your preferences with respect to communications and other information you receive from us, or (3) delete the PII maintained about you on our systems, by accessing My Profile or contacting Such updates, corrections, changes and deletions will not have an effect on other information that we maintain, or information that we have provided to third-parties in accordance with this Privacy Policy prior to such update, correction, change or deletion.

You should be aware that it is not technologically possible to remove each and every record of the information you have provided to us from our system. The need to back-up our systems to protect information from inadvertent loss means that a copy of your PII may exist in a non-erasable form that will be difficult or impossible for us to locate. Promptly after receiving your request, all PII stored in databases we actively use and other readily searchable media will be updated, corrected, changed or deleted, as appropriate, as soon as reasonably practicable.

How will I know if there are any changes to this Privacy Policy?

If we decide to change this Privacy Policy, we will post those changes on this Website so you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under circumstances, if any, we disclose it. If at any point we decide to use PII in a manner significantly different from that stated in this Privacy Policy, or otherwise disclosed to you, at the time it was collected, we will notify you by email, and you will have a choice as to whether or not we use your PII in the new manner. We may also make non-significant changes to our Privacy Policy that generally will not affect our use of your PII. If you do not agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy, you should not use this Website.

Whom do I contact if I have any privacy questions?

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy or feel that we are not abiding by the terms of our posted Privacy Policy, please contact us at

Effective Date of Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy became effective as of September 2000 and was last updated in January 2017.